Wednesday, April 17, 2013

For my sins

Jesus my friend
Yes indeed
He walks with me
He knows my needs

He won't forget
Never will He abandon
Accepting His love
I don't regret

Died on a cross
For my sins
From a tomb He rose
To live again

Bad apple !

True story.

Forsyth County Georgia.McDonald's drive thru.About closing time.

Eagle Scout teen and friend in line waiting on order.

Closing time service is slow.

Behind the teens Detective Sargent waiting on his cheese burger,small fries and coke.

Cop is impatient.Thinks teen is taking to long picking up order.

Cop rushes teen's car.Grabs teen by shoulder.Pulls his gun.Points gun at teen.

Cop says "you don't know who you are messing with".Teen says nothing.

All caught on drive thru video.

Cop is arrested and put on payed leave while there is an investigation.

Pretty sure Eagle Scout teen has parents.

Cop doesn't know "who he is messing with".


They wiggle when they walk.
They giggle when they talk.
And the women are just as bad.

ET call home

This is just lazy.Woman was walking down the hall here.Cell phone up to ear,call home,call home,call home she repeated.

All the time that took she could have just dialed the number herself.

Guess I'm a smart butt I so wanted to holler out "ET CALL HOME".

Way I've always been

So I will write
Keeps me busy
Day and night

Look all around
Things I see
If I told you
Wouldn't believe

Plenty fills my mind
No short of material
I can find
But at times it's a bore

Same old thing
Day in day out
Keep feelings in
Even if I want to shout

I will do
There is no choice
Bare and grin
Way I've always been

Hot dogs

Hot dogs
Add chili and cheese
Lots of onions
If you please

Tater chips
Ruffles have ridges
Bag I could eat
Crispy and salty to my lips

Big orange drink
Wash it all down
Best eating in town
I do think

Keep your broccoli
Carrots to
Food like that
Just won't do

Just you

Sign of the times
I see it all around
Hating and killing
Mistrust and cheating abound

Lord come quick
I'm starting to think
Theres no hope just you
Your mercy will see us through