Saturday, May 26, 2012

Snakes and pecans

Wow.94 degrees as I write this.Summer is still about a month away and it's so hot.Maybe there is something to that global warming thing.Winter skipped Georgia this year.Sure there where a few cold days but for the most part a mild season.I hear it will be a big year for creepy crawlies,snakes .The early warm weather has them on the move and they have a bad attitude.Someone said once that snakes and pecans have something in common.Every few years you have a bumper crop of both.Tales of snakes getting into your house please shoot me on the spot.Snakes are ok at a distance,where I can see them but if I think one is close by out of sight that is a bit scary.There are only 4 types of venomous snakes native to Georgia,rattlers,copperheads,cotton mouths and the coral snake.One way to tell if a snake is venomous is look them in the eyes.If the eyes are round don't worry about them.I'm not getting that close to check out their eyes myself.

Troubling times

I almost made a mistake.There for a few minutes this morning I was getting political and started to write about something I really have no knowledge of.I will stick to things understood by me and not go down that road.All I will say is God must be ashamed of what is going on in the world.Once he had enough of it and started the world all over again.He must have patience not to do it again.These are troubling times.