Monday, December 26, 2011

Reading the Bible

I read the Bible.The more reading the more I understand.Not saying everything is understood but it’s starting to make sense now.I was raised Baptist.Maybe I have different view points on the Bible than you.One thing I’m not clear on 100% is death.More than once the Bible calls it sleep.I know some say when we die we are judged at that time on our life and what we have done.The result being Heaven or Hell.The Bible said that Jesus will come back with his angels and the dead in Christ will rise first into the sky with him,then everyone else will follow with the angels doing the judging.The rapture.Some don’t believe in it.I believe in the rapture myself.It is never mentioned by that word in the Bible.So maybe when we die it’s just a deep sleep and our souls will be judged at the rapture.Jesus and the disciples raised people from the dead.If their souls where in Heaven why would they be brought back.Lazarus was raised from the dead.His sisters said he has been dead 4 days and he stinketh but Jesus brought him back to life.And when Jesus was crucified there where long dead Saints seen walking around.People say they have had near death experiences.They see a bright light.A Holy being.Family members that have passed on.I’m not saying what's right and what's not cause I don’t know.This a subject for deep thought in those quite moments.One day we shall all know the answer.Your comments on this subject as all my other post are most welcomed.I would like to know your viewpoint and insight.