Thursday, May 24, 2012

Damper on things

This brings back memories of good times.That is me front row 2nd from right in the red coat.I was 13 and everything was fresh and brand new.One of the girls in this photo I had my first date with.Well sorta.We went to the show to see the movie Flipper.Me,her and her 2 brothers.That did put a damper on things.I counted 4 girls in this photo that one time or another I had crushes on.

Good and bad

The temp hit 90 today according to my unofficial thermometer.I was inside all day so cool and comfy it was to me.Yes a day wasted for me not a thing was done.I did get a phone call from my oldest friend Terry C or Top Cat today.It was nice talking with my old friend.So much has changed in both our lives over the years.The years bring good and bad for us all.Not much can be done to change somethings.I think everyone has things that given a second chance they would do different or better.I know that is true for me.Maybe I would have listened a bit closer.Been a little more sympathetic to other people.I would have tried seeing things from their view point.Now I wouldn't let my pride get in the way of relationships.Someone told me once pride cometh before the fall.Stubborn and hard headed use to be me.I have learned from mistakes.A better person all of this has made me.Least I hope.

Dog gone

Dog climbs fence.Dog runs off.Dog is crazy.Dog bites neighbor.Cops come see me.Dog catcher come see me.Dog catcher takes dog .Dog in dog poky for 10 days.Dog catcher writes me a $100 citation.I go to court November 2nd.I pay fine.I not like poky.Dog gone

Earthquakes,floods and bean burritos

Someone said something today that got me thinking.Sweets before bed time gave them nightmares.That jogged my memory back to a few years ago.Back in the early 1990's I was living alone and really cooking wasn't my favorite thing to do.Not so much not liking to cook but the clean up that followed.When I used a dish,pot or bowl soon as I was finished it was washed.So being a single person a lot of frozen quick meals where always in the freezer.Many nights before bed I popped a couple of bean burritos in the oven for my midnight snack.I always noticed one thing.When ever I had bean burritos for that last meal I would dream,not just blah blah dreams but mine were vivid kaleidoscopes of things going on.Often I would dream of earthquakes and floods.The ground would open up and I could see it swallow up people,buildings etc.Same thing with floods,tidal waves.I figured out I wasn't being prophetic,it was just those bean burritos not agreeing with me.

Someone special

The tall man being Baptized is my Grandpa Haynes.Lee Anderson Haynes.I only knew him for a short time but quickly I learned to love him.Even at 3 years of age I knew he was a
special person.In his younger years the story goes that Grandpa was a bootlegger/moonshiner in the wilds of Alabama in what is now called the Talledega National Forest.Stories of him coming home on a wagon with croker sacks of money have been told.Another story is that one night he came home and had been shot in the mouth.A few days later while at the breakfast table the bullet fell out I'm told.How and why he had been shot I never heard.A farmer in his later years.I remember he had a small farm with cows,hogs,chickens and an old mule named Grey John.He never met a stranger I've heard always joking and teasing people.One person he didn't like and why I don't know was President Roosevelt.Peaches and cream sitting around the breakfast table I fondly remember.Sitting on the back porch with him and my aunts and uncles hearing him talk while Grandma Haynes churned butter is a memory that is so precious to me.I never had the pleasure of meeting Grandpa Smith he died when my Mom was just 5 years old.Grandpa Haynes always made me feel special and to me he was special.