Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Word scares me

That word scares me.

The C word.


In my Daddy's family just about all of them died of it.It has even started in my generation with several cousins having it now or have died from it.

Every little ache or pain I get I think of Daddy.Lung an bone cancer killed him.I remember the pain he had.

It was hard watching him in pain and wasting away.Daddy had always been big and strong.

In his family Grandpa,Daddy,Aunt Gladys,Aunt Ruby,Aunt Myrtle and Aunt Eula all died with one type or another cancer.

Yes that word strikes fear in me.

He hates dogs

All the dogs on Juniper Street knew when Joe(I won't use his last name)was close by.

Joe was the dog catcher back then in the late 1950's.

Seems the dogs had their own way of saying Joe was coming.Barking was relayed one by one warning other dogs of impeding danger.

I seen Joe take out his rifle and blindly shoot at a fleeing dog through a neighbors yard once.Where that bullet ended up who knows.

Good news was the dog escaped.

Forward to the 2000's.

A neighbor had a dog with several puppies.They were kept in a pen next to another neighbor's property line.

There is always one in a neighborhood,the one that don't like anybody or anything.

Neighbor called dog catcher and long story short he sided with hate everything neighbor and the dogs,Momma and puppies were removed.

Now this dog catcher who was about 300 pounds looking like a Samurai wrestler puts a choke collar on Momma and leads her to his dog catching truck.

Well Momma I guess doesn't want to go and is a bit uncontrolable and 300 pound takes out his baton and is in motion to wack Momma dog.

The scene brings back memories of Joe and his rifle.

So I'm thinking putting 1 plus 1 togather and have come to the conclusion that to be a dog catcher one has to be a dog hater.

Jesus was a Republican?

I just don't understand.

Where in the Bible does it say Jesus was a Republican?

The way people are talking this morning  he was.

First off let me say I'm not a Democrat or Republican if I'm anything call me an Independent.

What I don't like about party politics is just that they are for the party they belong with and the American people are far down the list of who they work for.

Being honest both parties have done good both have done bad.

I have faith in the American people but none in the political system.