Thursday, October 21, 2010


Microwave taco pizza and a diet Big K.You know it's good.Quick and filling.I don't know if it's because of quitting smoking over two years ago or the diabetes or if this is what happens when you get old but my appetite sure is good.Never in my life could I stomach breakfast but now I wake up hungry.Years ago I went on a diet.Lost a lot of weight to much some said.I was hungry all the time but I did it.When I got home from work my supper was a diet coke and pack of soda crackers.Normally it would have been fries,hush puppies or something like that.Back then I cooked with lard.So now I realize why my cholesterol is sky high.The day I started my diet Momma had cubed steak with gravy,homemade biscuits ,mashed potatoes,all the things I like.I would go to Wendys and get a large salad.It would last me for awhile but my hunger would come back.I tried some of those awful shakes in can for dieters.Ughh talk about bad plus reading on the can it had more calories than a filling sand which.So I have come to the conclusion that life is short and long as I can I'm eating good cause you never know when that could end.So enjoy your food.I am.