Monday, April 7, 2014

Going to kill me

Sorry but the food here at the old folks home is not to my liking.

It don't look good or taste good to me.

You may say but it's healthy for you.

If that's the case why was my blood sugar at 571 Friday night and is still high.

I'm ready for cooking like I grew up on.Butter beans,fried diced up potatoes and cornbread.

Heck if food is going to kill me lest let it be food I like.

Google this

A rainy,dark,blustery Monday morning here.

Thunder and lighting.

I like it.

Unlike that old Carpenters song rainy days and Mondays don't get me down.

Like Daddy would tell me even after getting grown,get away from that screen window and put that dog down they draw lighting.

Do dogs draw lighting?

Something to google on this rainy Monday morn.