Monday, November 18, 2013

Will just have to wear off

Four years old,Standing Rock,Alabama.

Someone decided the road in front of the house needed a coat of tar on it.So my curious four year old mind was intrigued watching the paving of the road on that hot summers day.

What else was there to do but play in a ditch with my faithful loyal loving dog Lassie or swing on the swing set.

In my mind I remember thinking when those folks leave I'm going to try out that road on my training wheel equipped bicycle.I being a country child knew only of dusty red clay roads.This was a real paved road.

They left.

I did.

The road was still bubbly hot and sticky and thinking to myself dirt roads rode better.

I seen a car on the fresh tarred road headed for me.

I might add at four years old I wasn't the brightest star in the sky and why I did this next I have no excuse.

The car scared me.

Jumping off the bike into the hot bubbly tar seemed like the thing to do at the time.

It wasn't.

My little ole self was covered head to toe with that sticky tar.

Poor Momma.

Off to the tub or big galvanized tub I'm not sure she rushed me.

Tar is like bubble gum when it gets into your hair and when it hardens on your body lets just say it ain't easy to remove.

My tow head was full of harden tar along with my body parts not covered by clothes.

Momma scrubbed and scrubbed and soap wasn't working so she use Tide washing powders.

I can still hear her say some of this will just have to wear off.

I learn a lesson that day,don't ride your bike on a freshly tared road and by all means stay on the bike don't jump off it.

Already knew that

Rejoice fat boys!

Good news my partners of the round food table.

Just read something that will make us happy.

Chocolate helps prevent belly fat and obesity.

Nuts of all kind help prevent some types of cancers.

Cookies,oatmeal cookies what they do that's good I don't know but they are good for you.

If I live long enough the day will come when Big Mac's and those delicious french fries and a Dr Pepper will turn out to be health food after all.

But us fat boys already knew that.

Cornbread fed

Heard a new term this morning.

Cornbread fed.

That's me cornbread fed and raised.

Till this very day cornbread with my peas and beans,in vegetable soup and chili.

A slice of hot out the stove cornbread with mayo on it or butter.

Buttermilk and cornbread,sweet milk and cornbread.

Fried cornbread,flitters,fritters I'd rather have a stack of Johnny cakes with butter and syrup than pancakes any day.

Mexican cornbread,cornbread muffins,cornbread sticks,hush puppies.


Van down by the river

Is it just me or can you see it also?

Mayor Ford from Toronto reminds me so much of Chris Farley former member of the Saturday Night Live cast who died a few years ago.

When watching Mayor Ford rant and rave in that video while under the influence of something I swear it's Chris Farley doing that van down by the river skit.