Thursday, November 15, 2012

Words just can't desrcibe it

A wintry mix in North Georgia for today I seen on the TV.I think that old saying about one extreme following another must be true.This summer was extra hot with temps over 100 degrees common.Last winter wasn't even there.Hardly any cold weather.

I would like to see some snow.Never seen very much of it living here in Dixie.Just mention the word snow in the forecast and us Southern folk go wacky.The first thing you have to do is rush to the grocery store and buy up all the milk and loaf bread you can tote.I heard today that folks up North do similar things.They rush off in bad weather and buy up flashlights and batteries.Down here we folks keep a hurricane lamp in the house just for those times when the power goes out.

Mention snow,don't have to see it,just the word snow will shut down a whole town.And all it takes is a few snow flakes and drivers here go berserk.We go into panic mode with snow.Hurricanes,tornadoes rain,sleet and hail don't phase us but that thing called snow,well it best you just come down and experience that yourself.Words just can't describe it.

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