Monday, November 25, 2013

Lose my mind

Easy I  think
Lose my mind
Might be fun
Crazy be kind

Fit right in
Fly over cuckoo nest
Be like rest
At looney bin

Think I will
Do that today
Lose my mind
Never again find

Same o

Day is over
It is done
Same o same o
Boring no fun

Same o menu
Breakfast was good
Lunch and supper
Nothing super duper

On the TV
Same o thing
Reruns all day
Boring I say

People come go
Same o ones
Sometimes they can
Be the show

Day in old folks home
Same o thing
It can really
Drive you insane

Redneck romantic rhyme

Your Valentine poem
Just for youse
Youse I loves
Really I doose

Sticking to you
Like a bugger on fanger
Me loves youse
Mo than my Ford Ranger

Youse kinda pretty
Little bit smart
Don't even stank
When you fart

My spell checker going wacky
Wonder why
Yeah I know
My poem be tacky

But I loves youse
Telling you true
Now tells me
Don't youse loves me to