Friday, April 20, 2012


On the radio.It has been a habit of mine since my early years.Seems at Christmas or my birthday for a present I always got a transistor radio.Listening to baseball games or the fights was popular and fun.My teen years where spent at night listening to WLS in Chicago to music.On my bike,don't laugh and yes I was a nerd,to the handle bars a transistor radio was taped so I had music on the go.I might add that on my bike balloons where tied to the spokes ,sounded like a motorcycle,yep not only was I an nerd but a geek also.Then later on as I got older and working a radio was always company at work.Talk shows I got hooked on.Jim White in St Louis.I listened to him every night.Radio preachers .Jimmy Swaggert,Lester Rolof.For the past few years I have been hooked on Coast to Coast AM.Art Bell.No more tiny transistor radios now it's all high tech.Satellite radio and streaming audio from radio stations on the Internet with crystal clear no fading reception.

Do you remember?

Things about LaGrange do you remember when?Remember when the fountain on the square had colored water.The Spinning Wheel dairy on Main and their neon sign.LaGrange Theater on Main.The drive in on Airport Road.Hanson's and The Big Oak and Little Oak.When Officer Don and the Popeye Club came to town.The pig pen.A man named John F. Kennedy came to town.Those plastic flutes we learned to play in school and the big concert every year at the auditorium.Dancing around the May Pole.Hillside movie theater.The pool.On Callaway's birthday the mill ponds where opened for fishing and the workers got the day off.Commerce Avenue was 2 lanes.Roses department store.The Chicken Treat on Commerce.Those 3 wheel Harleys the police used.Christmas tree at City County Hospital.The Bargain Basement.Buster Brown shoes.Sliding down the hill on a snowy day at the monument.Taps on your shoes.The Beacon.When there was no traffic light at the hospital.The funeral homes had ambulances.Day McDonalds opened on Commerce.Burger Chef.These are just a few that come to mind and I wish you would leave comments on those that you remember!

Yearn for the old days

Years ago TV was called your window on the world.Television shrunk the world and made it smaller.Before TV Momma said they where told of an invention like radio but you could see it.I am a child of the TV age.Saturday mornings as a kid I would be up bright and early before anyone else sitting on the floor in my PJ's with a bowl of cornflakes watching the Indian test pattern waiting for another day of broadcast excellence.Programs like My Friend Flicka,Sky King,Hop Along Cassidy on and on.Saturday nights at 10 pm standing in front of the TV with my cap pistol and holster on I would try my best to out draw Matt Dillion.Sunday night was the best.After a long day of Church,those great Sunday dinners and visiting kinfolks time to settle down.My favorite programs would come on.My Favorite Martian,Disney's Wonderful World of Color and Bonanza.Back in those days,late 50's things where so much simpler.One TV in the house and it was black and white.Families watched it togather instead of like now where everyone has a TV with cable and 500 channels in their own room.Now in my old age I can honestly say TV doesn't interest me much anymore.Maybe I yearn for the old days the way it was.