Thursday, November 22, 2012

Page 6

After my encounter with the Jones boys I'm just glad to be sitting here under a pine tree smoking my pipe.Buddy and Freda must sense something had been going on cause they are sticking close to me.The Jones boys are no big concern.If push comes to shove I'll do whats necessary with them varmints.

God sure knew what he was doing when He made this old pitiful world.A more beautiful day could not be had.Not a cloud in the deep blue sky,no snow falling,just the wind gently whispering through the pine trees the only sound heard.

Leaning back against the tree smoking my pipe with hounds by my side I think what else does a man need in this world.Least of things I need is to go fight in a war which is no concern of mine.No one has done anything to me except maybe those fool Jones brothers but they are just a pest that all.

I have a rule to live by.Don't mess with me,I won't mess with you.

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