Monday, June 10, 2013

You are addicted

If the world is still standing in the year 2045 I predict that humans will be so radiated and microwaved from cell phone use that those little phones will no longer be needed.

We will glow fluorescent green in the dark.Our ears will serve as antennas.There will be no need for a mouth because talking is no longer needed all communication will be done by texting.Eyes will be useless because people will have built in GPS.

I based this prediction on this.

Every time I turn around people are seen talking or texting on their little star trek communicators.Admit it you are hooked on them and can't break the habit.

Gather your children's children and tell them the story of how it was in yesteryear.1 phone,black,rotary dial in the house and people actually left them off the hook or unplugged them so as not to be disturbed.Yes my child that is how it was done in the old days.

Now I bet that those cell phones are never more than hands reach from you.Always on,waiting for who ever to call or text.Day night waiting that little electronic gizmo is.Falling asleep gazing at it waiting waiting.

Yes friend you are addi....Hold on I got a text.

Baby gator

Years ago when traveling through Flardy you could buy a baby alligator just as easy as a bag of oranges.

The baby finger snappers offers where sold at roadside stands right along side of coconuts,oranges and fake Indian moccasins.

Several times a year my Daddy and a group of men from church would go deep sea fishing at St. Pete,Florida when I was just a little boy.

I always had the same request Daddy bring me a baby gator.I'm sad to say,no maybe relieved Daddy had better sense than me.

I never got one.

Instead I always got a bag of green oranges or a coconut.Those coconuts would keep me busy for hours trying to crack them.

Yeah someone had good sense when they outlawed selling baby gators on the side of the road.Lot of folks forget that those little buggers grow up and become man eaters.

Ain't no telling how many of those little creatures have been flushed down the toilet when they got big and ornary.

Others where let lose in ponds and rivers through out the South.A few years ago an eight foot gator was found up the road in Franklin,Ga in the Chattahoochee river.

Now back to those coconuts...


That old saying.

If you can't say something nice don't say anything.

Bye !