Saturday, March 31, 2012

A good day

It has been a good day here in West Central Georgia.The day started off early for me because I slept extra good last night going to sleep right after supper.Around 3ish I guess thunder,lighting and heavy rain woke me up.By sun up it was gone but a cloudy day.A hot day also only 78 degrees now but humidity must be up.The big window next to my bed is open and it feels nice.Still not ready for the AC to be on.For the past few nights I have slept like a baby.No pain in my hip or knee.It’s not bad pain just enough to aggravate you when trying to sleep.Maybe those pain patches have finally started to work.What ever the reason I’m sure thankful for the good sleep.I played it lazy today which is not hard for me to do.I’m sorta an expert at that.

Sharp pointed brick to the head

The story of the sharp pointed brick to my head.As a kid I had made a tent out of an old blanket of Momma's.I was bad about swiping her sheets to make tents but this time it was an old patch quilt if my memory is right.I don't know how many times I was almost killed in our own backyard on Juniper Street.Caves where dug in the alley behind the house and it's a wonder a cave in didn't happen.Riding my bike in the the back yard I did not see the clothes line and it caught me at neck level knocking me off the bike along with my breath.Thought I was dieing.Another time I slid off a barn on my belly hitting the ground hard again knocking the breath out of me.On Murphy Avenue riding a friend's bike wearing a football helmet,don't ask why,the chain came off the bike at full speed,being 7 years old and not very bright I had time enough to think I had 2 choices,hit the car stopped in the road or go through a barb wire fence.I chose the car.The bike as destroyed and I landed on the trunk of the car against the rear window.People inside the car,high school kids where screaming he's dead,he's dead!No I'm not I manged to say.The football helmet saved my life most likely.I came through that ordeal with just a chipped front tooth.Now back to the sharp pointed brick to my head.I had made the tent and for some reason a brick was placed on top of one of the tent poles.Inside the tent on a Sunday morn before leaving for Church at Bethel, Alabama or as some folks know it as Graham, Alabama for 3rd Sunday in May,Decoration day,the brick,the sharp pointed brick fell and hit me in the head.Like the old saying I was bleeding like a stuck pig.No doctor was needed least I wasn't taken to the ER,just some old timey home doctoring.Momma reach into the fireplace and got some sut,black sut and doctored my bleeding head.Being a tow head with a flattop haircut,in my Sunday best off to Church we went,bleeding with black sut all over my head.So that is the story of the sharp pointed brick to my head.Now when I do foolish things I have a genuine excuse to blame it on.A sharp pointed brick to my head.