Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Old deserted dogs

Crossing that line.

The road from Alabama to Georgia changes at the state line.

So do a lot of other things.

Been down that road a few times.Some happy some well.

The last time for me was January 8th 2012 from Roanoke back to LaGrange.For the first time on that short 15 mile ride I noticed a lot of things never seen before.The landscape was dreary,light rain falling,drab and uninviting.

My life was changing.

I felt like those old wore out dogs,the ones with mange being took out on one of those deserted dirt roads and let out.Unwanted,feeling alone,deserted is how those old dogs must have felt.

Thats the way I was feeling.

Old man down

Old man down.

Woke up around 4 am this morning by the sounds of a roomie raising Cain.Seems he had fell off the bed trying to get up all by himself.

Maybe it was left over effects of the full moon.

No damage done and thanks to him I learned a few new cuss words.