Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Just here to help ya

Being a born and bred Southern Gentleman I find it my civic duty to help others,those from north of Hogansville,Georgia,Yankee territory,to learn to speak proper English.

At times they can't understand what I'm talking about and vicer versa.Today we shall start with the basics.

Let's get this eating thing down pat first ok.There are 3 meals in a 24 hour period.Breakfast,dinner and supper.Dinner equals lunch to those of you north of Hogansville and supper is the night time meal not dinner.Next let's just go ahead and get this outta way quick.That 4 legged,fuzzy thing with a wagging tail and goes bow wow ain't no dog.Repeat after me it's a DAWG and the longer you can draw it out the better.

Next we move along to the most common things you should learn to be understood and to understand.That thing you sit in is not a chair it's a cheer.Example,ain't cha tared sit in the cheer for a bit.Then theres winder you know that thing made of glass that most houses have you look out at.Now we get fancy with details.That thing you lay your head on at night down here in Georgia is called a piller not pillow.Simple huh,your'e doing great so far.Ok to keep things short so you don't lose concentration our last word of the day is fanger.Northerners called or mispronounce it as finger.

Ok that should do it for today.See it ain't hard to properly speak English all you have to do is just try hard and study and in no time you will be speaking Georgian like ya was born here.