Sunday, August 8, 2010

Speaking Womanesse

I will never understand women.They just don't have the same humor gene that us men have.What's funny to me will 9 times out of 10 send a women into an eye rolling convulsion.I can be dead serious about a subject and for the sake of me women can't understand what I'm trying to get across.It must be true women are from Venus and men are from Mars.We are so completely different yeah physical difference is obvious but our mental difference is 180 degrees out of wack we have a phase shift going on here.So if by any chance a woman stops by and reads this how about leaving a comment on how we men should speak Womanesse and be understood.

Fortunate sons

There was a song once called Sunday morning coming down.It was one of the saddest I ever have heard.At the time I thought how awful it would be to live like that.Homeless no family around.Could I survive life like that I wonder.I have lived a blessed life sorta.I always had plenty to eat,a bed to sleep in,always had shoes to wear if I wanted to wear them and clothes on my back.I know people who haven't been so fortunate.I have always felt that in this great wonderful country of ours that everyone no matter who or what they have done or didn't do should have food in their belly and a safe place to lay their head at night.