Saturday, May 11, 2013



Long delayed echoes.I have read stories of these strange goings on before but never had I personally heard one.Till that night.

It is said that every type of electromotive energy that has ever been broadcasted is still floating around in the ionosphere.

Old reruns of I love Lucy,Bonanza,the 1963 TV news coverage of  JFK being shot,everything ever put on radio or TV is still out there somewhere.

I got interested in this phenomena years ago.Starting in 1975 I got my amateur radio license,ham radio, and still hold it till this very day.My FCC assigned call sign is WA4PFG.

Reading magazines and listening to talk of old timers this term called LDE would every so often come up.

People swear it to be the Gospel truth of hearing their dead ham friends in conversation even though it had been years since their demise.

I putting it mildly was a skeptic.Never had heard one myself these LDE.

On a cold winters night with a sparkling clear sky I fired up my Kenwood TS 530 S transceiver.My favorite radio antenna to use was what is called a center fed zepp which is 140 feet of number 14 stranded copper wire feed with open line cable like the old fashioned TV lead in cable through a antenna tuner.

Winter is the best time to work the lower bands because there is no summer time noise and static.That's when you work DX"long distance" on 160,80 and 40 meter ham radio bands.

I'm almost entirely what is called a CW operator meaning instead of using my voice to communicate I use Morse code.At that time Morse code was a requirement for getting an amateur radio license.

That mode was easy for me and a pleasure to use.It's a skill.

But for some unknown reason I thought something different would be fun.So hooking up my MC 50 microphone to my 530S tonight I'm trying 75 meter ssb.

Listen before talking is what the considerate ham does.Those that break the un written laws of ham radio are called LIDS short for poor operator. I always prided myself in being considerate to others.

The band was quiet no jibber jabber of nets no one calling CQ no fussing and fighting which is normal for 75 at night.But conditions sounded good.No static just it seemed no one was on the radio.

Long skip I guessed.That's it the band is open for DX.That can happen,your neighbor next door can't be heard but half way around the world people are heard S9.The radio signal just skips around.

Is this frequency being used? I asked.If I had been on CW, QRL? Would have been sent.

Just to be sure I asked if the frequency was in use again.Nothing heard.

Hello CQ hello CQ this is WA4PFG WA4PFG listening for any possible call.

No answer after several times calling CQ.

Well the band must be dead as a doornail.I'm not hearing anybody.Just as I started to switch bands it happened.

WA4PFG WA4PFG this is W4__ W4__ over.

Wow a strong signal.Quickly I answered W4__ w4__ from  WA4PFG thanks for the call OM.

WE exchanged info on all the regular stuff like QTH,name rigs etc.It was a short but real nice QSO.

I have a habit of making out a QSL card as soon as I talk with someone.Just easier than having to fill out a big bunch at once.

W4__ that is an old call sign.This was before the new fangle vanity call system.

I don't seem to see that call anywhere hmm.Did I hear it wrong wondering?

This can't be right.Looking the second time I find the call in the callbook.Right name,location but it is an silent key call.Silent key is what deceased hams are called.

I didn't mention this for awhile.Didn't want people to think I was cracked or pulling a fast one on them.

A few months later again at night on 75 meter phone I overheard a couple of guys talking.They where talking about that same guy I talked with that night W4__. Lately people have been hearing him on the air again.He has been dead for 20 plus years one guy said.

One old timer who was with that group spoke up and said he has heard him more than once.They had been good friends in the old days and he swears it was his voice that people have been hearing.

I have talked to ships at sea,airplanes and exotic locations but this was a first for me and I hope the last.

Seems I had been talking with a ghost !