Sunday, September 29, 2013

Better not

Maybe I shouldn't say anything about this.But It does no good keeping it pent up inside.

Maybe I should delete this and just put up with it.


Got to let it out.

No I better not.

Purple passion

This is no health club.

It is an old folks home where people are old,sick with one foot in the grave and the other foot is slipping on a banana peel.

Why on God's great Earth are we being served for a Sunday lunch baked chicken legs smothered in some sort of gravy with these little bitty onions with a wheat roll and this broccoli.

I hate broccoli with a purple passion.Add carrots cooked carrots to that list also.

What I'm getting at give these folks food they want,food they like, what they would eat if they where home.

Some here are in their 100's.

Now would a fried chicken breast be so bad.Crinkle cut fries are not the enemy.Boring un appetizing food is.

Tell me what's worse.

Not eating the so called healthy food skipping a meal cause one doesn't like the way it looks,smells or taste or eating food high in calories fat and cholesterol?

What would you rather have?

Rumor is all this will change soon.Residents will be able to eat what they want.

Bring on the stove cooked thick souped big white butter beans fried taters and cornbread.

Amen to all this and pass the salt Brother Ben.

Fat boy's idea of Heaven

Dinner on the Church grounds.

A fat boy's like me idea of Heaven.

All you can eat of home made this and that.

Just go down the line with your paper plate loading it up on deep fried chicken breast,pink eye peas,potato salad,corn on the cob,those delicious deviled eggs,cornbread and pies and cakes of every kind.

Don't forget the sweet iced tea in a solo blue cup.

Most Churches down South have what is called Homecoming where once a year everyone brings food.Usually it's held outside on the ground,picnic tables or on the tail gate of your Ford pickup.

Back up in the country where Momma was born and raised the Church where Grand Pa Smith was once the preacher each year they have what is called Decoration day held every 3rd Sunday in May.

People who are members or past members of the Church and their families bring flowers to decorate the Church cemetery across the road and it's sort of like a reunion with everyone doing the food thing.

It's a tradition that still goes on through out the South.

It's such a sweet memory for me.

Like I said a fat boy's idea of Heaven.