Thursday, July 17, 2014


The chickentarians are at it again.

I shall explain.

Yesterday, Wednesday for supper I had baked chicken wings,today,Thursday at lunch I had fried chicken wings,both were enjoyed,supper rolls around and guess what was on my plate,not chicken wings but chicken tenders.

Now chicken three meals in a row is a bit much.I would even get tired eating a thin well done T bone from Piggly Wiggly three times in a row.

I switched my chicken delight for beefy cheesy mac and it was thoroughly enjoyed.

Chicken I know is cheap as far as meat goes but enough already besides what I read in my defense of not being a chickentarian is that chicks today are pumped with steroids and other nasty things so they grow bigger faster.

Took a peek at the menu for Friday's lunch,yep you're ahead of me,chicken tenders.

Oh the irony of it all.

Needful things

Saving my pennies.

Collecting and selling coke cans.

Want one of these.

Just walk away

Just walk away from it all.

This I have done before.

Walked away and never looked back from a home I loved,possessions even people in my life.Things cherished and not replaceable given up.

With just the clothes on my back(hospital gown)I started over.

Was an easy thing to do believe it or not.

You learn real quick what is important and what you need in life.

Just a dream?

A cold deathly hand grabbed my wrist…

I just woke up and it’s after midnight.I hope it was just a dream.

Around 10ish pm I fell asleep listening to a 10 hour loop of rain and thunder on YouTube.This is my nightly routine,ear buds in,an all night loop of something is chosen to mask the noises here at the old folks home.I usually just peacefully drift off into deep slumber.

Maybe it was just that snack I had of a tomato and banana pepper or the 3 peanut butter crackers just before sleep that caused this little "dream"?

Or did something,someone really  grab my wrist as it hung over the side of the bed?

Many times before falling asleep my hand hanging over the side I’ve thought what if there is something under…