Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Squeaking of the staff's shoes

Had my shower and someone brought me a hot fresh made cup of coffee.Just laying here reflecting on life in general.Nothing outstanding is going on at the old folks home tonight.Real quiet as a matter of fact.

This coffee is great Ms W thank you.The flu bug is making it's rounds here.Lot of residents and staff have been hit with it and it's no fun they say.Knock on wood don't want to jinx it but so far I'm ok I think.

Strange but I have noticed that ambulances seem to come around before or after meal time.A few folks have been taken out lately.The flu I guess.Mr B 95 years old,one of my roomies has it I think.He seemed to be struggling with breathing this morn and was given a breathing treatment and is doing much better it seems.

Really it's to quiet around here tonight.The only thing heard is the squeaking of the staff's shoes on the waxed hard floors and the TV in the mall area.

Guess this will do it for tonight.

Baby buffalos

I was watching the local TV station this morning.They have a call in folksy type program.I learned something.

Someone called in and was wanting a couple of baby buffalo.At first I thought this was a joke or put on because right before this Forrest Gump or someone pretending to be him called in.Forrest had a pretty good joke to tell.Seems his Uncle has been charged with murder.Forrest's Uncle told the judge he didn't mean to kill the man.Seems he took sandpaper and rubbed it all over the guy.I just wanted to rough him up a bit Forrest's Uncle said.

Ok back to the buffalo story.The man wanted a couple of baby buffalo to use for herding his cows.Seems they can do a good job and wear down the 200 or 300 hundred cows real easy.Can't use grown buffalo cause they are bigger than a horse.What happens to the baby buffalo when they grow up I don't know.A few years ago I did see one in a pasture here but last time by there it was gone.

Buffalo burgers maybe?