Friday, November 28, 2014

Reason why?

The day after Thanksgiving.

Official start of the Christmas season.

Till this very day I wonder why a grown woman and man with sons my age tell me an innocent 5 year old that Santa wasn't going too visit me because I didn't receive a letter from him like their boys did.

I think about it every Christmas.


I like it

I know it.

I'm a boring person.

Always have been always will be.

Never been to war,never jumped out of a airplane,never been drunk,never smoked dope,never been in a police car chase,never been shot at(but a man did pull out a gun on my Daddy once and I wasn't scared for me but for Daddy)never cut up to much in school,never did anything I knew would worry me later,never will I be like Tony Soprano,never will I complain(not to you anyway)etc and etc.

Yes I'm just your everyday boring person who likes things quite,likes being alone at times,likes watching the sun set, likes puppies and kittens,likes being around people I like,likes comfort food(burgers,fries,beans peas,cornbread and since yesterday that delicious creamy cheese broccoli and smoky bacon soup)likes knowing what is right what is wrong and likes having God in my life,likes having you in my life(smiling)likes having sweet memories mixed in with the bad ones,likes the smell of honeysuckle on a star filled summer night peppered with fireflies,etc and etc.

Yes this is me John Lee Haynes...and I like it.