Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I never was a tough guy

The Sopranos.That is one of my favorite TV programs.Strange but when It was on HBO it never interested me.But after seeing reruns on A&E I got hooked.I'm not a tough guy like Tony.I don't wont' to be like Tony.But it makes for good TV watching.I'm glad that little ole chicken me doesn't have the heart to kill without mercy.People can do that I have thought when laying in the dark of night in my quiet bed when your mind is racing 430 miles per hour.How can people be so cruel?Like my Aunt Pauline said once I love everyone but there are some I don't like.I know people are different some have no what we use to call a conscious .Some have no remorse.Some are just plain out mean and devilish.I wonder when someone chooses that life if they sleep without nightmares. I am not Tony Soprano.

A time for a hero

I had a hero once.He was someone who could do no wrong.He was big,strong and brave.Righteous and fair always looking out for the underdog.Then one day I grew up and reality hit me hard at age 14.My bubble was busted.But you know maybe It was for the best.On that day I learned we are all just mere humans and maybe that was better than him just being a hero.

I should be dead

I should be dead.Thinking of all the things that have happened to me in my life I wonder why I'm still alive.As a kid I had a bad habit of digging tunnels and caves.Why I made it through that phase without a cave in is a mystery.I slid off a barn once,on my belly I hit the ground with enough force it knocked my breath out.My cousins and I made a tent out of a blanket,why we had a broken brick on top I don't know,but yeah it fell and I had a hole in the top of my head.It was a Sunday and we where running late for church so Momma just reached into the fireplace got a hand full of black soot and dabbed it on the hole in my head.Guess it worked,the bleeding stopped but I did have a black spot on my head for awhile.I had plenty of bike wrecks ending up with scrapes and cuts but never a broken whatever that I know of.Once on my bike I ran into a clothes line it caught me at the neck and thew me off,thought I was dead cause stars where seen and lost my breath again.My worse bike crash happened when I was about 8,coming down a long step hill on a bike the chain came off,to my left was a cow pasture with barb wire in front of me was a car stopped in the road,you know which one I hit,yep the car,It through me off the bike which was smashed double into the back window of the car.The people in the car screamed he's dead he's dead,no I'm not I said raising off the trunk of the car,got out of that one with just a broken front tooth.Gee that football helmet I had on saved me .The close call with cars and still alive amazes me.But you know what they say only the good die young.