Thursday, February 6, 2014

I'm a bad man

Drama drama drama.

A grown man,same age as me,acting like a spoiled little boy.

Watching TV yesterday and it wasn't on his channel and moan and groan he did.

Seems for once he didn't have control all day of the remote.

People where watching other things beside replays of women's basketball that we bare because he likes it and might I add most of the time he is asleep holding the remote.

I know I'm a bad man but him being denied control of the remote I enjoyed.

I half way expected him to bust out crying,he does that a lot really if life doesn't go the way he wants.

He couldn't take it and finally just took the remote and watched his program without asking please,may I,or do you mind.

Watching him squirm was fun!

Yes I'm a bad man.


Listening to a rebroadcast of Dreamland with Art Bell I think the time for me to explain things about me has come.

Some call me Big Head John Haynes.

Maybe just maybe the reason for my Big Head can now be told.

Are you sitting down earthling?

Yes you earthling!

Have you seen me at places walking lately and you thought it was just a dream?

Do you wonder if there is just a little something strange about ole Big Head?

Do you at times think you see me glowing a crab apple green?

Does a chill run down your spine when you enter room 31?

Do you wonder why I like tomato soup so much?

Do you wonder why I have that blank no expression look when Walker Texas Ranger is playing on the TV?

Why do we have chicken so much on the menu oh sorry my mind is starting to wander.

Yes earthlings these questions I  can't answer and I can't figure out how to end this story so pick from the following endings:

1.Big Head is bored and just passing time.

2.Big Head has finally slipped off his rocker.

3.You are wondering why you're reading this haven't you got better things to do
don't you know life is short?

4.Pick #3 it sounds about right.

5.Ok if you think this is easy you make up an ending yeah it ain't that easy is it?