Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kitty on my shoulder

A kitty on my shoulder.Could anything be more precious.Ok kitty I will not get attached.You will be adopted.I let Big Boy Black steal my heart but I will avoid you little kitty.Does not matter how sweet and loving you are.I always heard let the animals chose you not vice versa.Ok good kitty jumped down nope well in my lap now,nope down my leg,ouch those claws.

Aunt Lema

I just got off the phone with my Aunt Lema.She is 85 years old or maybe older.I only have her and 2 Uncles left.They are Momma's brothers and sister.There where 13 kids in that family.Twin boys died at birth so 11 kids made it.Grandpa Smith,John who I am named after died when he was only 4o so Grandma Smith rasied those kids by herself.Grandma always had on a long dress,apron those black shoes and her hair was always in a bun.She always hard dark glasses on because light hurt her eyes.Oh yeah and she always had a sweater on winter or summer.She never wupped me but once she tried making me leave an old ditch in the backyard that had trash and no telling what else in it.She took a curtain rod and was waving it like she was gonna spank me but I knew she wouldn't do that so I just kept playing in the ditch.Then I got a surprise,My Uncle Thomas,Lema's husband had snuck up behind me and then I knew it was time to go.So till this day everyonce in a while I remind my Aunt Lema of that little story.I will tell one story on her.This is true.Back in the country when she and rest of the kids where little Tuberculous was going around and everyone was tested for it.Lema tested positive and the Doctor drove her and Grandma to Carrolton,Ga for more test.Lema was a kid and had never been any where only place she knew of was Bethel,Alabama.Anyway laying in the back seat of the car napping she made the remark(whew those sure are tall wash lines)Grandma said the Doctor never said a word but cracked a small smile.Lema was looking at telephone poles and lines.This reminds me of a story Momma told me,an elderly lady went to the big town for shopping,the lady said(that old woman sure looks familiar)she was looking at a mirror.So much for growing up in old days in the country.I bet it was the most wonderful time .


I was just reading in the New York Post that a UFO was seen over Manhattan yesterday.I'm not saying they are real or just a figment of our imagination.I have never had a close encounter with a spaceship or alien beings before so I really can't say much on the subject.I have seen things in the sky that I had no explanation for.Sitting at the grocery store once waiting for Momma to do her shopping I noticed plastic bags flying in to the air.It was a windy day.Up high they where flying.Then this got my attention.I seen a silver round ball just floating or hovering in one spot over downtown LaGrange.It was high in the air and I could not tell it's size.So that might be my personal sighting of an UFO.It was indeed I think an Unidentified Flying Object