Thursday, November 22, 2012

Page 7

Good to be back at the cabin.Put on a big pot of soup in the old black pot.It's simmering and will be ready soon.Cornbread flitters will finish out supper.Nothing better than food cooked in a fireplace is there.

It's cold tonight outside but toasty in here.Sun is setting,a brilliant orange fills the twilight sky.Buddy and Freda are at their post in front of the fire waiting on their supper.

As said earlier my name is Pete.Just Pete.Never knew my folks I  was raised by strangers who would just take me in cause there was no where else for a boy to go.Guess if a last name was needed I would just pick the name of one of the families who raised me.So just call me Pete.

Rocking in my chair with my pipe in front of the fire sipping on a jug of that sour mash.Good to be alive in this winter of 1860.

You may wonder if I get lonely with no human contact.I can answer honestly no.Get all I need when trading with the flatlanders in town.I see them rush around from hither to yonder worrying about this and that.No way for a man to live in my book.

This war thing going on.I must read my Bible and see what Jesus said about wars and such.Yep that what I will do while soup simmering.

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