Sunday, November 25, 2012

Huggy kissy type

Not the huggy kissy type.That describes my family on both sides.Saying I love you by my parents was never heard.Guess it was just something I knew that didn't have to be said.

Maybe that is why I have been so stand offish in my life.But most folks know when I like them.If I kid and tease you well that is a sign you're ok in my book.Now if I avoid and ignore you like the purple plague that a good sign that you are not one of my favorite people walking this earth.

The Bible tells me to love all.That I do but as Aunt Pauline said there are some she didn't like.I agree.

I can honestly say none are hated.I just prefer not being around a few folks.


Kudzu.That green vine that will take over the land covering everything in it's sight.Imported from Japan way back when it's purpose was to stop soil erosion.

My Uncle Leon back years ago worked on the CC planting that stuff.I have seen it cover houses,barns,old cars anything that gets in its way.

Most folks now will try anything to rid their property of it.One way,if this is true or not I don't know is to turn hogs loose on it.They will eat roots and all.Try burning kudzu.That don't work it will just come back.

Rumor is kudzu will repel snakes.History I heard is, now this could be made up, during the war of Yankee aggression,the South planned unleashing this terror on to the Northern landscape.

Who really knows.All I can say is,kudzu,about as Southern you can get.