Monday, October 25, 2010

What goes around

I'm so thankful for this blog.This morning I commented on a woman's looks.I said you look 20 years younger and she did.Well the mail runs and I am being told by her that I am a senior citizen because of the mail I got.There is an old saying...what goes around comes around.

Judge ye least be judged

Born in the south.Raised in the south.Most likely will die in the south.It is all I know.Peaves me off when folks put her down.Why I wonder sometimes.Heard folks call us backwards,ignorant,rednecks on and on.They call us racists without even knowing us.If you live there you are this and that.Take Lester Maddox for example.He came to fame when he refused to serve someone at his Pickrick cafe.Was it wrong? You bet it was.But did he have right to refuse customers?Some black lady spoke of Lester when he was Governor and said quiet honestly that he had done more good and had more blacks in his administration than any one before him.I am getting off the track a bit I know.But it makes me mad when people judge.Those that would never judge anyone will readily judge a whole region without knowing them.Stereotyping is the word.What if I said all New Yorkers are rude fast talkers who have no feelings but for their own self?I would be wrong wouldn't I.So no double standards please.Don't judge me and I will give you the privilege of not being judged without first getting to know you.

Only child

I am an only child.I always wanted a brother or sister.Still do to this very day.Some call us spoiled.But believe me being an only child is never easy.People tell me you are lucky.I don't feel that way.Maybe it was just me but extra hardships are placed on an only child.It was lonesome.Till I started to school all I had for friends and playmates where farm animals I adopted and my dog.So if you are reading this and you have a kid or want a kid please do them a favor and make sure they have a sibling.

Frosted hair

I was sitting on the porch.I seen some woman walking toward the house.The closer she got the more she looked familiar.She walked into the yard up on the porch.It was Momma.She was white headed.Momma take off that wig I said.She laughed she couldn't.She had had her hair frosted.

Brunswick stew

Me,Daddy and my Uncle Arthur had gone to a church homecoming some where.I can still see the church outside and inside.It was for what some people don't know about homecoming.That is where members and past members bring food and have what I always hear it called dinner on the ground.Anyway that day I found a new favorite food.It was good.I had about 3 bowls of it.Then my Uncle told me what it was and what it was made of.It was my first time eating Brunswick Stew.Gosh it was so good.Then Arthur waited till I was finished and told me it was made with hog head,eyes brains everything.He was right there is hogshead Brunswick stew.I still love it but now I make sure it's the kind made with chicken or beef.Not hogshead.

People who think they are smart

Some people think they are smart.They are know-it-alls.I heard some one being put down once.He was being ridiculed.The guy spoke up and what he said made so much sense.He said just because your field of knowledge is not my expertise does not mean I am dumb,not smart, unintelligent or what ever you want to call it.That speaks miles of wisdom.So be careful when you call someone names or ridicule them.It will come back and bite you when you show how unintelligent you are.

Hog killing time

I was 3 years old living in Roanoke,Al.Daddy,Momma,Grandma Haynes and my Uncle Lavert.It was hog killing time.My first and only.I followed Uncle Lavert into the barn.He had his gun I had my cap pistol.The large hogs where in stables.He would reach over into the stable and bam.I thought it was me and my cap pistol shooting the hogs but it was him.I don't remember how the large hogs where drug from the barn.Maybe they where hooked up to Gray John the old plow mule.Anyway they where strung up into trees by their feet.I want get graphic here but you can imagine what was done.I remembered Momma screaming.There was a big ole black cast iron pot of boiling water.Anyway to make a long story short That was my first and I hope only hog killing I ever attended.Till this very day when the weather cools I can hear my Daddy say it's hog killing time.

The light in the tree

It had to be in the early 60's.On highway 27,north of LaGrange.The place was called Blue Berry Hill.On the left side of the road going north.Out in the woods.Something was happening.My folks loaded up a car load.Mom,Dad,me,my cousins.At night we walked into the woods.There was a large crowd gathered.I didn't see it.No one I knew of seen it but it was there.Some guy I remembered said he was the keeper of it.It had asked him for a drink of water.What I am talking about is this.It was a local attraction for awhile.A light in a tree is what it was.What it was I never heard anyone say.But It was a reason to load up the car with your family and join several hundred people who parked on the side of the road on a weekend night.Maybe the companionship was what was the best.Till this very day every time I pass that spot in the road at Blue Berry Hill on highway 27 it brings back a fond memory.

Blustery days

Gosh it was a great thunderstorm that woke me up this morning before sunrise.Thunder,lighting and heavy rain.I like gloomy overcast blustery days for some reason.They don't make me blue or moody.Storms are just a free show that Mother Nature provides for us.Entertainment at it's best and it is free.