Friday, August 23, 2013

Move on

Something has been on my mind and needs saying.
If your heart isn't into something maybe you would be better just letting it go.
A job,relationship anything.Just move on to what you do want or have a passion for.
Don't let it affect others.

Imagination went wild

I must close the window.
Other night the aroma of potatoes being fried fill the room.My imagination went wild of all the things that could go with that meal.
Hot biscuits,fried salmon patties,baby English peas and homemade creamed potatoes.
I was awoken around 6 am the next day with the smell of bacon.
Yes that window has to be closed.

Strange side

I figured it out.

Hit me like that brick to my head years ago.

So simple why hadn't it been thought of yet.

Last night a full moon.

Now I read of a solar flare heading to Earth.

Plus all this rainy and foggy weather.

So that's what going on.

Why people are acting a bit on the strange side.

Or is it just me?


Watching little kids escorted by parents getting on school bus.
One little kid had sneakers that lit up as she walked.
Parents and kids all waving bye bye.