Monday, November 26, 2012

Freddy,Mike and Frankie dropped by

My cousins came by awhile back.Freddy,Mike and Frankie.It sure was good seeing them again.We took a little road trip us four.

I do remember we went to a club of some sorts.What and where it was kinda foggy to me.Best I can remember we where headed to Florida.In all honesty I can't say if we made it or not.I remember something about a hotel room and one of them saying he wanted the giant screen TV on the wall.I kinda remember something about going to a cafe and eating but what I had can't remember.

Guess this would be a good time to fill you in a bit about my cousins.Freddy died of a heart attack when he was about 45.Frankie ,my age died when he was 45 also in a motorcycle accident.Mike was 60 when he died of cancer just a few years ago.I'm now 60.

Yes it was just a dream but it sure was good seeing my cousins again.Come around anytime,we will take another trip.

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