Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Strange things but no bumps in the night

I have never been a believer in ghost.Only seen or think I seen one thing in the past that I'm not sure of.As a child I heard some one or some thing calling my name,it sounded like a large group of people calling me.Then once at 21 I was alone one night and a voice that sounded like a woman called my name,it said John one time.I told Momma and she said never answer when someone calls your name,I didn't ask for an explanation.Lately I have noticed some strange things.I felt someone poke me in my back the other night while sitting here.Turning around I expected to see one of the kids but no one was there.Out of the corners of my eye I see things move,things like black shadows that move fast and through walls.Laying in bed alone I have felt the mattress give like some one has layed next to me but no one is there.On a few occasions I have woken to see a woman in a long dress with dark long hair just looking at what was on shelves or on the wall,there is no sound and I fall back to sleep.I ask Chris the next morning what she was looking for that late at night but she said it wasn't her.Strange but none of this stuff I see or feel scares me.I know I'm awake when this happens but I can't explain any of it.

Good mood

Watch out world JohnLee is in a good mood today.Anything is possible ha ha.Flitters for breakfast with butter no less.Now on mind is supper,hamburger helper maybe.Cami is on the couch watching Muray,Alaina is in out like a humingbird going from room to room.I'm listening to old music from the 60's sure thankful for headphones.Chris is in another room watching something.Wish the dog had not chewed upped the pool,the girls would enjoy it on such a hot muggy day here way down south.Cami sez I talk funny,Chris mentions it also but hey I don't notice any accent.I was watching a program on PBS years ago,it was about Irish and Welch imigrants to the U.S,the program was subtitled,strange thing but I disn't need the subtitles cause every word they spoke was perfectly clear to me.Welch settled this part of the country.The Haynes's where from Ireland I think and Grandma Haynes was Cherookee.she was so dark,wiry hair.her kids took after her in looks,I always stuck out like a sore thumb at family get togathers with my tow head and blue eyes,so I took after Momaa,not dark black hair and eyes like my cousins on Daddy's side.Back to the way I talk,at times just to aggrivate people I put on my best southern never seen sunshine cause I live so far out in the boonies accent and say words like winder,doe,flo,zinc cheer.Ok that will do it for now cause my train of thought has been derailed a pretty woman just walked into the room.