Thursday, November 4, 2010

Little 6 ouncers

Hoggie.Poor Boy.Submarine.They might have other names but that is what we are having for supper.With some type of chips and a soda pop.That word soda pop.Soda.Heck down here in Georgia we always called them CoCola.That covered every kind of soft drink that there was.I said to myself as a kid that one day I would buy me a case of CoColas.The little 6 ouncers.I heard a man from Coke on TV say that there was no difference between a 6 ouncer Coke than a 16 ouncer.Maybe it was just me but the little cokes always seemed stronger and better.You can still buy the 6 ouncers in bottles but I hear they sure are pricey.I can remember me and Grandma Haynes trying to figure out how to operate a Coke machine when I was a kid.The price was 6 cent for a bottle.Times and prices sure have changed.

Starting my bucket list

Days are getting shorter.Nights are colder.Thanksgiving is around the corner.This is a good time of the year to be alive.Leaves are changing.Some people burn their leaves.It's against the law but burning leaves sure smell good.I always love a camp fire.Burning wood ahhh a great smell.Best baked potatoes I ever had where some a neighbor man gave us kids for helping him dig them up from his garden.We took them camping and just threw them in the fire letting them cook all night in the hot ashes.I think that will be the first thing I put on my bucket list.Camping out.I would love to do that one more time.

Nap time

I had my siesta.I was just resting my eyes.Taking a nap.What ever you want to call it I did it.Helps a lot.Refreshes the body.Energizes the brain.Cup of coffee is helping also.I go to bed early these days.Late for me now is 10ish.At one time that was about what time I got up.Working the afternoon or midnight shift was right up my alley.It never bothered me.Sleeping in the day time was easy.I wake up without a clock about time the sun rises.I do just lay there for awhile.These cold mornings it is great just to pull the covers over your head and snooze a bit longer.I think I need a hobby.Something to keep me busy.What is that saying idle hands are the Devils workshop or something like that.As a youngster I put model cars togather.I got pretty good at it.Spray painting them some would swear it came out of the box that color.Then I was on the radio every day.Ham radio my callsign is wa4pfg.Then came computers.Time is passing by so fast now maybe I need something to slow time down a bit instead of passing time off faster.

1965 Pontiac GTO

Oh my gosh.Look at the picture.It is a 1965 Pontiac GTO.I had one just like that.Even had redline tires.389 cubic inches,4 barrel,4 speed with a Hurst shifter.I was 16 years old.Working in the cotton mill and going to school.This was the late 60's.These things would pin you against the seat.Talk about fast and fun this was it.I know now that God was watching over me because more than once I should have been killed in that car.Maybe I still have a purpose to fulfill.

Hide your snacks

Well I guess that was breakfast.I had BBQ potato chips and a cup of coffee.I had the chips because they where left here at the computer desk and was easy picking so to speak.Everyone here knows by now don't leave your snacks within my reach.I will steal them in a New York minute.Every time I see the kids with candy I have to have some of it also.Chewing gum is the same way.Alaina had a pizza last night and asked me to hold it while she did something.Sure I will hold it I told her.Take your time I said.I got that look from her saying old man if you...I wasn't even tempted by her pizza.But this is a warning.Come over to the house you better hide your snacks.