Saturday, December 11, 2010


Gee I have always hated this feeling.Queasy,like you are gonna throw up.I think it was the coffee on an empty stomach.Or maybe the virus or flu is still with me.I felt good when I got up but now,sheesh.I feel woozy and have a head ache also.I want to try staying up.Almost three days in bed and that gets old.Oh well will wait and see how this turns out.


Cold buttermilk and warm cornbread.Man on man talk about good.Momma would bake cornbread,I still have the old black cast iron skillet,I would cut a slice of cornbread and smother it with mayonnaise.That was a treat and so good.Butter beans, peas,collards any type of vegetable goes good with cornbread.Just take a slice with a onion and that is good.Cornbread and potato salad.Does it get any better?Cornbread not that sweet stuff is a staple for us Southerners.At dinner that is lunch for some a big pan of cornbread would be baked.What was left over would be your supper.Sweet milk or buttermilk and cornbread.First class eating.


Hi everyone.I have not been on the computer since Wednesday.I had some type of flu or virus or something.Went to bed Wednesday night and stayed there till this morning.Was not hungry at all so two days with out food or drink.I just could not think of food.Queasy I was.I am much better now I am hungry.I want or crave a taco pizza and Oreo cookies.I would love some buttermilk to dunk the cookies in but will settle for coffee.So that is the story from this end.