Thursday, January 8, 2015

I want to be a Walton

Laying here in my warm cozy bed,sipping lukewarm buttermilk eating soda crackers I'm thinking.

After watching a couple of Waltons reruns on TV I've decided they should adopt me.

Yep I want to be a Walton.

All that love,all those brothers and sisters,Momma and Papa,Grandma and Grandpa living in that 2 story house.

I know it just TV and they are just actors but at times that show brings a tear to my eye.

I think they might have room for one more.

Being an only child I dearly wanted brothers and sisters.Really those that had siblings maybe I was just a little jealous of.

I can just hear it now...goodnight John Boy...goodnight John Boy number 2...goodnight everyone!!!

Happy birthday

102Happy birthday Momma and Daddy the same to you.

Hard to imagine both of you being 89 years old.

I don’t have to write a cutesy story about how much I miss or post on some social media my love for you.

Both of you are in my thoughts daily.