Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I am human

Lets be honest ok.Sit down with me have a cup of coffee and let's talk.Ok.Here is the deal.Honesty is the subject.Are you always 100% honest?I'm not talking about honesty with family,friends or who ever.Honest with yourself is what I am talking about.It is easy being honest with others but with yourself that is a job sometimes.I think we all have a perception of what we want to appear as to others.We want to think others think of us as brave,truthful,fearless,smart,honorable and what ever good quality you can think of.But we have one fault that we all share .We are humans.We aint that Robbie the Robot danger Will Robinson devil take all types.Humans have limits of what we can do.Humans have hearts.Humans have feelings.Humans have egos.Humans have fears.I am human.

I got cake

Last month maybe I think it was I almost most decided to move.The place that came up was Florida.Pensacola.

I always have had a secret wish of living in Florida.It always brings back great fond memories.Living here in Georgia,Florida is where people went on vacation.

The old joke was on the 4th of July when the mills shut down for vacation you would go to Panama City Beach and dang first people you see would be your neighbors.

I always like the Atlantic side of Florida.My first memory of Florida was when I was just a small boy.Me my folks,Uncle Leon,Aunt Gladys,my cousins Mike and Gloria loaded up the car way before sunrise and left Macon,Georgia for Jacksonville Beach.

I remember Daddy had a flat top haircut at the time and he talked of growing a beard.Momma talked him out of it I think.

The ocean,Atlantic ocean I fell in love at first sight.Daddy picked me up and walked me to the beach .Sitting me down on my feet in the water.I am a strange person and was a stranger child.I was screaming for dear life.I could not figure out what was going on.Was the water moving or was it me.The waves coming in and out had me confused.It was like when you are parked at a train crossing with the train floating down the tracks you get that feeling the train is still and you are moving.

The water I found out quick was salty.I learned a lesson.Don't drink the water.

This was in the 1950's and I remember seeing a plane pulling an banner telling us all that Elvis was in town for a concert.My cousin Gloria liked that.

I am going to get off the subject cause something just popped into my head.

Gloria was getting married.Me and Daddy went to the wedding.First thing we seen when we got to Macon was Mike.He had hit a fire hydrant in his Daddy's Ford Falcon.Water was shooting out like a geyser.

It was going to be a fun night.

I was outside at the Church.I was just there for the cake.They came out.Gloria and her husband Glenn.Wow you should have seen it.Glenn who I know now didn't drive.

I watch in amazement as they took off in Gloria's little Corvair.He hit 3 cars going down the street not stopping for any one they kept going.The first car they hit was uncle Leon's Ford Falcon.Yep the one Mike had wrecked earlier in the day.

For a 14 year old kid it was a good day I was having plus I got cake.

Horse and buggy days

It is the year 2010 and I have several connections to the horse and buggy days.Mom told me her family would ride to church on a horse and wagon pulled by their ole plow mules.Grandpa Smith was the preacher at Bethel East Baptist Church.So was my uncle Bill years later.Grandpa was at the old church Bill was at the new one.Anyway Grandpa died when Momma was 5 and when he was preaching at the church she would be sitting on the floor behind the pulpit.Story is they gave her a sack full of biscuits just to keep her quiet.Oh by the way Bethel is in Randolph County Alabama.My other connection with horse and wagons is my other Grandpa.Grandpa Haynes was a bootlegger.Using a horse drawn wagon is how he transported the goods.I find no fault in Grandpa Haynes being a bootlegger/moonshiner.He fed his family during the depression doing this.This also took place in Alabama.My other connection to horse and wagons is a bit more tragic.Great Grandpa Jacob Haynes lost a leg In the Civil War at the battle of Vicksburg,Mississippi and was taken prisoner.After the war he had a businnes transporting things by wagon.What these things where I don't know.Anyway it was a rainy day and Great Grandpa Haynes was getting on his wagon and slipped on muddy ground.The horses got spooked I am guessing and the horses and wagon ran over him killing him.So in the year 2010 I still have a connection to the old horse and buggy days.

Smith grunt

I am just sitting here.Nothing comes into my brain to write about today.Let's see.My mood is good.I have not much pain of any kind.I do have a tooth that is bothering me.While back I was eating a grilled cheese with peperoni sandwich and I bit down on something hard.I don't think that is normal.Anyway it felt like something was stuck in my tooth.After several tooth brushing something came out.I think it was a filling.Ever since then it gives me problems.I have only had one toothache in my life.I was a kid and I remember the pain vividly.It stopped hurting just as I walked into the dentist's office but it was pulled any way.I still have my lower wisdom teeth and they have caused me problems in the past.But all said I have been lucky in this respect.Momma was a Smith.There is something called the Smith grunt.They let every little pain be know so hince the word Smith grunt.I use to never complain about pain now in my old age it is a favorite past time.Oh no I have it.It has struck me.I have the Smith grunt.