Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cops and doughnuts

Thief steals Krispy Kreme doughnut truck.Cops with blue lights and sirens chase thief in Krispy Kreme doughnut stolen truck.

Let me think.Cops and doughnuts.

Got to be a joke in there some where.

One step away

One step away.Through the years I have thought about what it would be like being homeless.

Living in a paste board box under a bridge some where.Nothing is guaranteed in this life except one day dying.Everything else is up to chance.

One day on top of the world next the bottom can fall out.Easy thing that can happen.

Maybe people should not have that as a matter of fact that it will never happen to me type of attitude.

Folks jumped out of buildings back during the depression and way things have looked past few years maybe another one could happen.One terrorist could could change the life style of us all.Taking away all we take for granted.Most folks are just 1 paycheck away from living under that bridge.

This is my plan.I'm looking for a clean used paste board box and sticking it under my bed just in case.

Talk about shock

All things considered I've been lucky when it comes to loved ones and death.Both my Parents where on the Hospice program in their final days and I had time to prepare myself.But you know when that day came when they did die it was a shock.

What I'm getting at here is this.Even though I was prepared really I wasn't.

Last weekend here in LaGrange 5 people died in a horrific head on crash.The horror of having someone you love taken from your life without warning must be the most awful thing.Here one moment gone next.Talk about shock.

It's something we must try to be prepared for I guess.Just don't let your love ones or friends leave without letting them know how much you love and cherish them.