Saturday, September 20, 2014


Change in the air
Leaves  turning brown
I see yellow butterflies
Floating all around

Cool breeze on my face
A nip in the air
A change is here
A relaxed slower pace

Fall is here
Shorter days longer nights
Smell of burning leaves
The season that is just right

What is the use

Sometimes I fail to see the use.

The use of getting up out of this bed everyday.Each day like the one before and tomorrow will be the same.

The only thing separating each day from the next is whats on the food menu.I don't go by the days of the week anymore a calendar is not needed instead I start each day by checking the food menu.

Why get up out of my comfortable bed in my comfortable room out of my comfortable environment just to sit in a wheelchair in front of a TV watching the same boring thing over and over each day.

Messing with my mind

Oreo fairy
Tell me true
Rumor is you're the Kebbler elf
Really now is that you

Did opportunity arise
Like cookie dough
Haven't seen you in awhile
Is this how you're letting me know

Messing with my mind
I'm going to flip
My world turned around
I guess now you will bring cookies of chocolate chip

Better be

Yesterday was National or International Pirates Day.

As my Uncle Eugene used to say any man who wears ear rings and has a pony tail better be a pirate.

Never have I

I think I'm just about as Southern as one can be in my ways and customs.

But never have I  had sweet iced tea at breakfast like in the McDonald's ad now playing.

Another thing,never have I used a straw to sip sweet iced tea.