Monday, December 9, 2013

It wasn't communion

Laying here breathing like a puppy dog who is mad at something.That is what it sounds like growling.

Something is going through the old folks home.

Lot's are coming down with it.

I'm just about over my little escapade of it.

It started Tuesday night after my shower.Sleep was impossible and when morning came around I knew it was here.

Scratchy throat,coughing and sneezing.

Another sleepless night then Thursday I started on that awful tasting cough syrup and each time the nurse brought it around in that little shot glass it looked liked wine and I wanted to ask for crackers cause I thought it was communion we where going to have.

Guess it worked but on Friday I threw up a couple times after breaking out in a cold sweat after drinking that stuff so no more of that I took.

Saturday was good sorta Sunday better so I'm good thank you.

Friday you know I was feeling bad because I sent supper back just thinking of food made me queasy.

So there you have my weekend and I sure hope that bug skips you and yours this Holiday season.


Rain all day
Fall it may
But for me
It is okay


Why had I not thought of this before...the reason chicken is on the menu so much...a cow conspiracy.

Everyone knows except Mikey

I see where they messed up.

Watching a movie about a family that is having a bit of bad luck.

The house!

It was that multi story old house sitting on a hill out in an isolated area.

Anyone who has ever seen a horror movie knows a place like that has to be evil.No need for the sound effects of rain,thunder and howling dogs to warn you.

I have always been wary of any house with an attic or basement.

Everyone knows that's where the bad things happen.

Send Mikey down into the dark,musty damp basement.We all know something is hiding,waiting and is going to have Mikey for a snack.

Why hasn't somebody taken a little time out of their busy life and taught Mikey to never go down into the basement?