Friday, October 22, 2010


Ok the 5 of us could not decide what we wanted for supper.Gee some people would love having that problem I bet.Here at the age of 58 I can honestly say I never went hungry.At times maybe I wanted something else but never did I go without.Daddy would tell me (if you are hungry you will eat it).I am and have been so lucky in my life.

Dog Gone

Dog climbs fence.Dog runs off.Dog is crazy.Dog bites neighbor.Cops come see me.Dog catcher comes see me.Dog catcher takes dog .Dog in dog poky for 10 days.Dog catcher writes me a $100 citation.I go to court November 2nd.I pay fine.I not like poky.Dog gone


I have been blessed.I never have had much pain.Some people I know have it constantly.How they survive is beyond me.My Daddy had cancer.It had spread through out his body.The bone cancer I read is one of the most painful things you can have.I realize now Daddy could not live without the pills.I have had people I loved die before.But watching my Daddy waste away from a big strong man was hard to take.After he died I thought maybe it was a blessing for him to go so quick.I would not be so selfish just to want him here with all that pain.No matter how much I needed him or loved him I would rather see him go than suffer.I have friends now in pain.They don't know how I think of them as heroes of mine by just living with it when it would be easier just to give up.Yes even at my age I still have heroes.