Saturday, June 7, 2014

Click click click

Round and round she goes where it will stop nobody knows.

I get dizzy almost sea sick when a certain resident has control of the TV remote.

Click click click.Stopping only long enough to get interested in a program then here we go again click click click.

At times I want to ask if maybe I could help finding the program they are searching for and stop this wandering of TV wasteland.

But there is a bright point to all this,we now have 200 channels to click click click through.


So cool alert...

Just seen a big black Harley leaving the old folks home!

Only a test

Don't be afraid.

It's only a test.

Hate those warning sirens.Here they are tested the 1st Saturday of each month at noon.Just heard it.

In April of 2011 I was living in Roanoke,Alabama during a tornado outbreak across the south.The siren was blasting continuous as rolling thunder with heavy rain and wind moved through.

It was around 10 pm and just laying in bed I thought maybe this could be the beginning of the end.

Strangely I wasn't scared just at peace with it all.

I thought of WW2 and Germany bombing England on those nightly raids,the air raid sirens and how that must have been a terrifying sound to hear.

Again as the sun shines brightly on this June day in Georgia it was just a test.

Thank God.

Leave when wanted

I love the sound of powerful big ocean waves.

Often I daydream about being on a deserted tropical island like Tom Hanks in that movie Castaway.

Grass hut,palm trees, coconuts on and on.

But coconuts are hard to crack and I'm no lover of sea food.

I can take solitude but for only so long.Missing other humans and having a conversation would be missed.

So I guess that's one daydream that that will never be fulfilled.

Least when daydreaming I can leave when wanted.