Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'm not crazy I just don't give a darn

I'm bored totally this morning.

So bored I can't take my before lunch nap.I will just wait till after lunch for my daily siesta.

Just how bored you may ask?

Well sit down and let me tell you.

Thought I heard an airplane and I was cricking my neck looking for it but it was just someone cutting the grass here.

So bored I was on YouTube watching cartoons of Daffy Duck.Just like Daffy said "I'm not crazy I just don't give a darn"well spoken Daffy I agree with your philosophy.

Lunch will be boring I know.I want some home cooked pintos,seasoned,add salt please,cornbread not to thick,fried sliced/diced potatoes crispy.If I see anymore frozen TV dinner what they call vegetables I will just give up in disgust.I'm tired of looking at steamed veggies,broccoli and cauliflower.

Like my roommate Mr B said"I have been eating food I like for nearly 100 years so don't tell me what to eat".

Amen Brother Ben I agree.

Same o same o day in day out.

No wonder most of us have Daffy's outlook on life.

The cool Indians

I think this has  been mentioned before.

I'm of Indian blood.It runs through my veins.

Granny Haynes was an Indian the story goes so that makes me least 1/4 Indian.

My Indian ancestors where well what's the word...different.

They where the cool Indians.

Forsaking the usual Indian customs of the time.


The tribe I belong to didn't wear buckskin clothes.They chose more casual attire.Bermuda shorts T shirts and flip flops was the clothing of choice.And the ever present Ray Ban shades always close by.

My tribe didn't ride ponies.Being of the cool tribe they rode motorcycles.You have heard of Indian motorcycles right?

The Trail of Tears that our fellow brethren from the tribe of Cherokee and Creeks where forced marched from this area of Georgia and Alabama to the reservations out in Oklahoma we got wind of that plan and skipped out on it.

My tribe,the cool Indians leased a Carnival cruise line ship and headed to Jamaica.

If we could not ride our cycles we sure wasn't walking.

So we being of the cool Indian tribe learned new cool things down in Jamaica.
New music like reggae,Bob Marley,and new things to put in our peace pipes.

Life is good when you belong to the cool Indian tribe.

We don't say" how" like most Indians we use this expression "what's up dude?"

Everything I tell you is true.

Believe me right?