Thursday, August 12, 2010

Do you know whats wrong with me?

I have just found out something about my self.Something I didn't realize.When the suns goes down my emotional state changes.I get depressed and lonely for some reason.My Mom who had Alzheimers did this and after reading up on when she was alive it was called sundowning.Sundowning is when people with Alzheimers start feeling agitated.I don't feel agitated but I feel depressed and lonely.Have no idea whats going on.Being diabetic maybe that is the reason,I did research on the web about that but it was no real help.Mornings I so full of energy and want to talk and have fun but this is getting to me a bit.I guess more research is needed.Hmmm should I fear the men in the white coats and nets?

Cat lady from hell

Stressful around here today.First off we thought the neighbor had captured one of our cats.She has been doing that lately for some reason,why we don't know.Matty the neighborhood cat who lives here came up missing last week.He wanders from house to house exploring and I know he likes getting into people's cars and rests there.Matty would walk up to a stranger with his tail in the air and make friends.Matty is gone.We had 2 momma cats disappear at the same time last year.A grand total of 20 kittens died because of that.Chris manged to save 1,Patches out of those 2 litters.By the way Patches had her kittens yesterday.T he neighbor's Grandson told me that he and Grandma where catching cats and taking them to cat jail.All she had to do was just let us know our cats where in her yard and we would zoomed out there and got them.I had the talk with her not long ago telling her not to catch the cats just let us get them.I think she is on a mission now just to hurt the cats.Remember this the golden rule"do unto others as you would have them do unto you"Lot of people have forgotten it or maybe never learned it.