Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Walk in the light

Lord you know my heart.I'm trying so hard but at times it's a struggle.I was at a church service awhile back.The preacher opened up his Bible to John.Walk in the light he talked about.That means so much to me.I opened my Bible the next day and that scripture was staring me in the face.Walk in the light.That is what I will do.God give me the strength and faith to do your will.

Star gazing

Grass cutting season is here in west Georgia.The smell of fresh cut grass is one of my favorite things.It means warm weather is on it's way.I'm lucky I have a large picture window next to my bed.It's facing busy highway 29.I raise the blind up and there is a great view of the traffic,trees and the sky.At night I can see the stars.Star gazing has always been a fun thing for me.Camping out when I was a kid just laying out in the open watching the night sky.When I worked the afternoon shift at the water plant often on warm summer evenings I would spend most of my time outside just enjoying the sky that God had made for us.Often at home one of the things I enjoyed was laying out on the sundeck in a hammock at night watching the sky.I always told people I was watching for the Mother ship to come by and pick me up.Thinking back I hope they didn't take that comment to serious.It is a joke people.Anyway star gazing is free and you need no special tools just eyesight and maybe sometimes an imagination.