Saturday, May 12, 2012

Closest thing to Gods love

It's a rainy night in Georgia.Back in bed after a long day just looking out the big window watching traffic on Highway 29.Supper was excellent.Country fried steak,scalloped potatoes,green beans,cucumber salad and apple pie with hot coffee to round it out.Tomorrow is Mothers Day 2012.Thoughts of Momma have flashed into my head off and on all day.I keep remembering when as a little boy how on Saturdays we would go shopping downtown,she would always have her hair done and afterwards we would eat at the Plantation on Bull Street or at the soda fountain at Holmes Drug Store on Main.Or the time when I was sick with some type of virus and she got down on the bathroom floor with me,holding me,crying with me as I threw up.Momma I guess was the only person I'm 100% sure of that loved me.That was something never doubted and guess taken for granted.Someone said once that a Mothers love is the closest thing to Gods love that we will ever have here on earth.So true.

My name is

All my life it seems people have had trouble pronouncing my name.Most of the time when I'm asked what my name is I just spell it.My name is Haynes.Most call or spell it Hays,Haines or Hanes.The y is silent so guess it is a easy name to mispronounce.Never have I took offense by being called the wrong name and rarely do I correct anyone when it's mispronounced.Why the name is spelled like it is I have no idea.So just call me anything I answer to many names.