Sunday, November 7, 2010

Things of a summer night

It would be so nice I think.Sitting out on a rear deck on a summers eve.The smell of the charcoal burning in the grill.Humming of lawn mowers in the distance.Dogs barking.Kids playing.Just about dusk.Fire flies flying.Smell of honey suckle filling the air.Chimney sweeps diving like acrobats in the sky.Dark now and the sky comes alive with stars,shimmering brightly.These are things of summer.We sure love them.

Things even out

I know food is wrote about a lot here.Like Momma said food is one of life's pleasures.Better eat while you can.I heard some news guy on TV talking about how high prices have gone up and will keep rising on food.Everything is going up except our pay checks.My folks use to buy 4 paper bags of groceries each week for $15 but people where only making $1.25 for minimum wage.Daddy I remember would bring home $5o smackeroos each week.Gas was what 35 cent a gallon.Pack of smokes about that.Daddy walked into a store for a carton of smokes and came back empty handed.He said that for $6 a carton for cigarettes he would just quit smoking.Yep those where the good ole days.Everything was cheap but no one was making any money.So with today's prices and higher wages things just sorta even out I think.

Sometimes I get confused

Sometimes I get confused.I misunderstand or take what people say wrong.I walk on egg shells alot trying to keep peace.Bite my tongue as they say.I need thicker skin or head.At times what is said will hurt my feelings.Other times it will make me mad.I am making a honest try at not upsetting anyone.I do not want to die or have someone die with bad feelings between us.So if I have upset you,made you mad,hurt your feelings please forgive that was never my intention.


I have no earth shattering news to share with you today.No fixes for world hunger or homelessness.It's just one of those day where everything so far is going good.I know that could change at any moment but so far so good.It is easy to sit and say I wish this and that.But just being satisfied with what you have is a blessing.Not many people are.What ever they have they see something that is newer,shiner does more than their old what ever.Being materialistic is bad.I want this.I need that.No way to live one's life I think.Never will you be truly happy and free till you can accept who you are and not try fooling yourself thinking if I just had this happiness would be all over me.Sorry to bust your bubble but life don't work that way.

Soup on a cold day

On a day like today a big pot of homemade vegetable soup would be so good.Soup with some cornbread.Soup with a peanut butter sandwich.Soup with a grilled cheese sandwich.Soup with soda crackers.Soup just by it's self.You can't just make a little pot of soup.You add a can of this can of that and before you know it you have enough soup to last a few days or feed one big hungry family.Does anything get as good like soup on a cold day.


I am cold.My teeth where chattering last night.Socks,sweats,t shirt and a sweater are on .Fixing to put my hoodie on.Where is my toboggan it is needed.I just can't take cold.My muscles get stiff and moving around is difficult.Hot coffee and the sun coming through the window are a blessing.Hard typing with my fingers cold.I hope this is just a little cold snap and not an indication of things to come.Ok update,the heat has been turned on,first time this year.I am getting warm.