Thursday, November 22, 2012

Page 8


Three shots just ranged out coming through the side of the cabin.Rolling out of my bunk hitting the floor hard I grabbed my rifle.

What was that all about raced through my head.Only the light from the dying fireplace lit the room and I could hear Buddy and Freda barking and growling but could only see outlines of them in the dim light.Hope they are ok,sounds like it though.

It had to be middle of the night my guess would be around 3 am.Laying still I could hear nothing outside the only sound heard was the beating of my racing heart and the hounds with their muffled growls.

No way I'm opening the door this time of night not being able to see who is out there.Someone was trying to kill me and by the grace of God they missed.

I am just fine here on the floor till morning.Then I would do some investigating.

Sunrise sure is taking it's time today.

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