Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Kept my promise

Looking at people I wonder what is really going on in their mind.I see and hear things that bother me.People in pain and misery crying out for help.

My Momma was one.For years she was in mental anguish.She had what's called dementia.For over 7 years I watched her slip away from the real world.I hated when the sun would set.There is a thing called sun downing that people with dementia suffer from.They become agitated,restless and can be violent.There where times she would not sleep for what seemed like days.I was so tired.

I will say the only person to help was my Aunt Lema.She would stay over sometimes just so I could sleep a little bit.She would come over everyday and help Momma in the shower.I could do everything else but that part I just did not feel comfortable doing.I say to the world Aunt Lema thank you.

Momma would cry at night for her Momma and Papa.She was a little girl again.She didn't even remember who I was anymore.I was just that man to her.

Then that day came.I guess she just forgot how to swallow.I just broke down because I knew that was the end.

A week in the hospital then off to hospice.She lingered on 3 weeks.Staying at her side only leaving to change clothes and shower. Sunday,July 23,2003 about 6 pm while holding her hand with my head laying on her bed I felt Momma squeeze my hand as if she knew it was me and took her last breath

I had promised myself I would keep Momma home.That I did.For all those years I was her caregiver.I have said before doing that might be the only decent thing in my life I ever did.I had kept my promise.