Sunday, June 2, 2013


Mr. David
This is for you
We as in I
Appreciate the things you do

That meal today
Hey what can I say
Okree fried up mean
Cornbread collards and oh those butter beans

I tell Ms. Cheetos
Every chance I get
She married well
Least that's what I tell

Over a hot stove a slaving
Cooking those meals
To me really
Food home cooked is a big deal

Those 2 boys are lucky to
Like I tell Ms.Cheetos
Hope they know
How lucky they are having a Daddy like you

You come by
Some day when you can
This ole country boy
Want's to shake your hand

Right way to eat watermelon

It's that time of the year.Time for cold sweet watermelon.

I've had 2 slices this year so far and all I can say was it was delicious.

Eating my watermelon I got to thinking.

What is the proper way to eat watermelon?

Now take me if no one is watching I just grab a big ole slice and start chomping away.Don't matter if it gets messy or not just go for it and enjoy.

I will admit having a beard is a drawback when eating watermelon and certain other foods like soup,chili and ice cream.It does tend to get what would be a good word here hmmm,only thing that comes to my mind is a little gross could describe it.Seeds and juice in your beard or if you are living out in the boonies with no neighbors I guess you could refer it as a snack a little later on.

But you know those city folks will ruin everything.Take the pleasure out of eating good messy treats like watermelon and such.

But take it from an ole watermelon lover and eater like me.The proper way to eat watermelon is like that little guy in the picture.

Just grab a big hunk and enjoy !

My long lost brother...

Good news !

After many years of searching I have found and been reunited with my long lost twin brother.

We where separated at birth.I being raised in the great state of Georgia.My brother unfortunately was raised in New Jersey.

Tho the years and miles have kept us separated the resemblance is amazing.We are the spitting image of each other

Yes my lost lost twin his name is Cleo by the way was raised up in New Jersey and we do have a slight communication problem.

I was offering him a CoCola and he pointed at the bottle and said Pop.No Cleo our Dad's name was Harold.Poor thing keeps saying youse guys to everybody he meets even the nice pretty ladies he refers to as youse guys.Cleo has been living a sheltered life it seems and must get out more.

Yes my Dear friends having family is a nice thing.

If only Cleo would learn to speak properly and eat biscuits instead of those things he calls bagels.

I will try

I know
I'm not the man I should be
I'm not the man I want to be
I'm not the man God commands me

Things I do
Things I say
Things I think
Not God's way

I will try
I will do
I will live
Way God wants me to

In control

Last night
In the western sky
What did I see
Natures fireworks so beautiful to me

Laying here in bed
Watching natures show
Just a sign
God's in control

Sound of thunder
Lightning and rain
In all man's marvels
The weather he can't tame