Saturday, August 11, 2012


15 on a summers night
Smell of Formosa
Fills the air
15 not a care
Doors Light My Fire
We do hear
Young hearts
Full of cheer
15 on a summers night
Everything is alright
Thought feeling would last
Only if could
15 on a summers night
Everything is sweet
All is good


You get me tongue tied
You make me blush
Talking with you
Gives me such a rush
You can make me mad
Make my blood boil
Around you I see double
Really you're nothing but trouble
You I don't like
Please leave me alone
Just take a hike
Go far away
Have a nice day


Come on inspire me
I need to write
Nothing sappy or sad
Something witty and bright
Let it be good not bad
Come on help me now
You can do it if you try
Don't make me beg
Don't make me cry
I need inspiration
End my desperation

Careful of my thoughts

Got to line my hat with tin foil today.This is the reason why.Last night I was thinking how nice a cup of chipped ice would be.I had a hot Coke and ice was needed.Never did I ask for a cup but would you believe that someone brought me a cup and I asked whats this.They answered and said the ice you wanted.So my brain must be sending out these signals and thoughts to people.I must be careful of what I'm thinking.Like the old joke they must have esp or is that ESPN.


Today I write happy thoughts
Not about battles fought
Of cheerful nice things
Things that are sweet
Things that are bright
Look at things in another light
Today no fights
Love everyone
Peace to all
Talk to ya later
Take care y'all