Saturday, September 29, 2012


I'm not good at goodbyes
Never have I been
They make me feel awkward
Almost like committing a sin

Goodbyes I have had a few
They always end with
I'll come back to see you
That never happens it's never true

Soon just a memory at best
Doing good if that you get
So be honest just say
Maybe we will meet another day

Hurts just to know
Maybe really we where not that close
All we said and did
Was just put on a cruel hoax

Goodbyes I want no more
Sometimes they more than can bare
Seems I have had my share
Goodbyes just a shutting of the door

Adele - Someone like you (OFFICIAL VIDEO LYRICS) HD Live from Brit Award...

I won't

I won't look out the window
I won't sit by the door
If you ain't coming
I won't wait any more

Hot on my heels

I was a kid
Momma I made mad
I had been bad
Down Juniper Street I fled

Hot on my heels
Momma was catching up
I zig I zag
It was no use I had been had

She caught me
By the old Chinabeery Tree
I tried to run
I tried to flee

Them switchings stung like a bee
I could run but so could she
The day I tried outrunning Momma
It didn't work out for me


Krystal burgers
I do like
Buy a sack
When you go back

Get some fries
Don't forget the chili
A few corn pups
Large Coke in a cup

Krystal burgers
Some can eat many
But for me
Four will be plenty

Whoppers and Big Mac's
They are ok
But for me
I will take Krystal's any day

Small and square
That steamed bun
Mustard onion and a pickle
Go buy me some won't you hun

You do that
For ever I'm grateful
We could be friends
Till the end

Yes Krystal's I like
Best burger around
I'm not bragging just a fact
Buy me a sack next time in town


I hear the sea
It's calling me
Visions of deep blue water
Maybe that's where I should be

Elly May

Elly Mae
Not enough words
We can say
She from back in da day

Those hard biscuits used as ammo
Hid in da trees
With her double barrel sling shot
Elly would shoot at me

Elly had a cousin
Jethro Bodine was his name
Being a double naught spy
Was his claim to fame

Then there was Granny
Cooked them vittles
Made her potions
Granny had possum in her kettles

Old Uncle Jed
From the hills of Tennessee
Struck that black gold
Move them all to hills of Beverly

The cement pond
Ghosts in the walls
Neighbors Drysdales and Miss Jane
I sure miss them all